Sunday, December 16, 2007


I found this image and it spoke to me. An Angel presiding over the Man and the Woman and as usual, at the foot of the scene is Snake, upon first glance intimating temptation. This statue is a representation of the Medicine Wheel to me. That is how incredibly flexible and open the wheel is. I'm seeing this image as if I had laid it flat and tipped it backward. At this perspective the Angel is South, the Snake is North, the Man is East and the Woman is West.

This has great meaning to me. I see the message and I understand why the Serpent is so misunderstood. By aligning this image within the grid of the Medicine Wheel I am given great insight. The Serpent in the position of the North represents what we manifest. It is not evil, it just is what is. If you'll notice, the Snake is encircling the entire statue. This represents to me how incredibly powerful and what great work lies within the energy of Snake. For Snake turns energy into form. It is what actually takes the unmanifest and gives it life! I find it really interesting that if the statue is looked at while facing North, the serpent would be in the south. In which case it would be instigating healing and the energy would be coming down into us, into the earth. It is us who calls forth that energy back out of the earth and allows it to travel upward, through the energy system of our bodies and out into the world.

The man is the embodiment of masculine energy, and he stands on the right hand side which controls the left brain activity of our brain where we process with logic, reason and intellect. The woman is on the left side of the angel where she controls the right brain activity and brings us emotions, feelings and passion. At the top is the Angel. To me the Angel is our heart or our spirit. It is our connection to Universal Law and All that Is.

Where all the spokes of our wheel come together and meet in the center is our core. No one part is more valuable or precious than the other. And any aspect neglected or given too much attention will create disharmony. It is only when we open the channel and clear the vessels of our intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies that we can get to our center. Imagine feeling that clear and clean and close. I am imagining that and I want to attain that level of clarity and purity.

I now view this image in an entirely different light, than I did prior to my reflection. I don't draw any negativity or any judgement of good or evil. To me, now this image is an icon of the four aspects that bring me my ability to connect with being human and to reach the full potential of being human. It's just about the beautiful state of being human and being alive. What if being human is the reward?
May you be
blessed today
in many
little ways.
Even in your busy-ness, I hope you can see the beauty that abounds and that if you are surrounded
by anything other than light it is only so that you can know the difference between the two.
For the dark
provides the
only there
so you
can see
what is
wrong and
what is
what you
want and
do not want
So that
you can
reach a
little higher
for the
for the
of day
for the
of the
and allow
to feel
of what
is already
The Seven Sacraments as Decoded by the Medicine Wheel
By Renee Bledsoe

The Catholics have it half right. I don't believe that the 7 sacraments in any part are reserved only for the clergy, nor anyone of a certain religious affiliation. For the most part they are not even reserved for only the worthy. I believe they are the birthright of all humans and have been infected with the remnants of a time in which church organizations were attempting to control through the subversion of power and disinformation. Or maybe we weren't ready for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Who knows? At any rate here we are now and moving forward read on if you're game....

Baptism - Guess what....if you were've been baptized - you were born of water, you were immersed in the holy womb of your mother, you were dipped and dunked (in totality - there is no basis to the debate of whether you have to go all the way under or not - you certainly do as I've never heard of a half full womb!) usually for an entire 9 months and then in one moment of perfection you came sliding out (ok, some of us were forced out) true to the miracle of this creation and the law of appeared into form the perfect blend of earth, air, fire, water and spirit. And to think it all started with the wink in your daddy's eye.

Confirmation - Another shocking thing to discover here....if you breathed your first breathe of life you were "confirmed" and you received the breath of life aka Holy Spirit, Chi, Life force, Prana, which is truly what sustains you moment by moment as you inhale and exhale day in and day out the only substance that every living being is allowed to be addicted to: air. Breathe deeply.

Eucharist - As you are made of flesh and blood, and the day you took your first bite of the fruits of life, bread and water, nourishment and the holy sustenance so graciously birthed from our mother took holy communion. And each day as you eat and drink, what you take into your what you become (now that's a scary thought).

Confession/Repentence - Being the humans that we are, totally programmed to learn by trial and error, of course, we are bound to miss the mark upon occassion (the long, lost definition of the word "sin"). Yet we are equally as endowed with the ability to "get it right", make amends and do that pretty cool self-correcting thing that we do called....saying "I'm sorry" and never knowingly or maliciously doing it again. Of course that comes usually after several years of emotional turmoil and loads of drama where we confess everybody else's sins over and over again to any of our poor friends who will let us dump on them. Usually when we run out of such friends, we'll hire someone to do the job that we don't destroy in the process, because they CAN actually give us UPR (unconditional positive regard) without losing their own souls....these people would include, counselors, therapists, spiritual healers and priests....and they might actually help us understand that it's our own "sins" that we need to work on and not everyone else's. Enough said.

Matrimony - Ah, now this one is going to be a reach for most of us. First of all because we think it's all about finding a mate. And it is....but there's one little thing that we forget about as we enter into this most sacred rite: You've got to love yourself (all of yourself) before you can actually love someone else. So trite, but so frustratingly true (why it won't go away). And so this is the first sacred matrimony that we must enter into, the relationship that we have with ourself! Holy cow, so what I'm saying is the first person you've got to seek divine union with is yourself....the marriage of the left and right brain, the artist and the scientist, the masculine and feminine or the yin and yang in YOU! When that happens souls will collide! Relationships will actually be the culmination of two whole beings, not two cripples looking for missing parts. Children will be born to whole, healthy and balanced people...and, oh my gosh! we'll actually get to see what true love LOOKS like perhaps in more than a fleeting moment of heroism, and maybe even a lifetime of unabashed joy! (Can you tell that I really like this sacrament?)

Holy Orders - Now this is the one that really irks me - Another news flash - We ALL get holy orders, not just priests. However, having said that, most people don't actually read or comprehend their holy orders. And so I do get what the priests are trying to embody for us: For God's sake PICK UP YOUR HOLY ORDERS! In other words, find your joy, find your bliss, find your purpose....and dag gone it! March soldier! Motivate me!

Extreme Unction - I can tell you that you won't get to Extreme Unction or "the annointing of the sick" until you've done all of the above. Because once you've done all of the above, you will have raised your consciousness level and your spiritual vibration to at least a good 700 (nearing the status of avatar) and we all know how rare that is. BALONEY! Don't you see that most of the seven sacraments have been fulfilled JUST BY YOUR MERE EXISTENCE AND THAT YOU WERE BORN AND ARE ALIVE? I say dive into Extreme Unction head first! Yes, even thieves can heal the sick (I wasn't implying anything). A kind word or a smile at just the right moment might stop that suicide. You never know! So, keep raising your vibration, keep healing your own self and then even in your halfway, snaggle-puss partially healed state carry hope to those who are even less fortunate than you are. I don't care how you do it...and you darn sure don't need to be a priest. But if you've healed yourself, had any sort of success, have started to feel any sort of joy or raising of your own spirits - get out there and SHARE it! There's always someone who is worse off than you...and each and everytime you extend a leg up to someone whose vibration is just a little bit lower than yours (or a lot bit) you will continue to exponentially raise your own. And pretty soon, you will be an avatar...which is just another way of saying that you will be experiencing heaven on earth and you will be helping others to do the same. And some of you just might raise your energy level, your spirits, your vibration or whatever you want to call it to such a high level that your presence, your beautiful smile, your loving touch, your comforting words just might be a beacon and a light in the darkness by which anyone in your sphere of influence, and their sphere of influence, and their sphere of influence, and their sphere of influence (you get the picture) will be raised up.

The word helping means: hel (Hell) + ping (To strike with a hard blow)

To hell with hell, I'm opting for a heavenly experience here on earth myself... how about you?